Jagged alliance 2 windows 10
Jagged alliance 2 windows 10

jagged alliance 2 windows 10 jagged alliance 2 windows 10

Rundll32.exe consumes 63% CPU ( and it increased i took a screenshot ( prtscr) button and closed the process. Game exe is started but not active, doesnt show up in the taskbar, it does show up in the process list, and uses 0% CPU I uninstalled ja2 4 times, reininstalled again this afternoon. Now extract the file Windows 7-10, in the SCI its located in the \docs folder,Īnd follow the instructions in the readme file to apply the patch.įret_man: You'll find the discussion. page,Īnd also rename the "malicious" downloaded file *.crcdownload to *.zip, or use 7zip context meu "open" on it) (You may have to override your browsers refusal to visit the "insecure" ja2svn. Respectively the SCI archive containing the fix (~370MB). Into the adress bar of your browser to download the file Windows 7-10 (~1MB), , but they do basically the same)īy pasting either "/source/ja2_v1.13_data/GameDir/Docs/Windows%20Compatibility%20Fixes/" or

jagged alliance 2 windows 10

(note that earlier versions are named different, e.g. So get win7-10 compatibility fix aka "Windows 7-10" Like installing the whole 1.13 SCI (Single Click Installer) would do to a vanilla JA2 install. Pardon me if I did not explain it sufficiently.ġst of all, "Try" means I am not even sure whether mentioned fix will help with the original gameīut the fix itself will not make irreversible.

Jagged alliance 2 windows 10